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Unity Extended Tracking OnExtendedTrackingQualityChanged callback


I've set everything up to have extended tracking on an object tracking target and I subscribed to the OnExtendedTrackingQualityChanged event. My goal is to show an UI hint to slow down camera movements once the quality degrades to average or bad.

The issue I encounter is, that the only time the callback seems to get called is when the quality is set to good. So I either lose tracking or it is good. I can trigger the callback by losing tracking and then reestablishing it. even in that case both the oldQuality and newQuality parameters are set to good.

Is this known/intended behaviour?

I'm using:
Unity 2019.2.13f, Target Platform: Android, Wikitude SDK 9.0.
The behaviour occurs both in editor and on the target device that runs Android 10


Lorenz Jäger

Hi Lorenz,

Yes, this is intended to be like this for object tracking at the moment. I started an internal discussion about this to see, if we could give more granular updates about tracking quality in the future.

Kind regards,


Alright. Thank you for getting back to me.

I was just wondering because the 'ExtendedTrackingQuality' enum already contains the values bad, average and good.

Kind regards,

Lorenz Jäger

Hi Lorenz,
Thats because this enum is also used by image targets.

Kind regards,


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