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How to download the image in HtmlDrawable?

I want to download the image from HtmlDrawable, but I found it invalid.


Let me jump in here. Aitor already provided a lot of details on how you can draw the circle using InstantTrackables and which approach to use. I’d like to add details about our support process in general to manage your expectations. For questions such as the one we’re dealing in this thread, our approach is to give code snippets, descriptions and ideas on how to solve the problem, links to the Wikitude documentation and samples. Please note that we’re not providing 3rd party development and therefore are not providing any code or samples in addition to what we already offer online. 

As the support is done by our core team to ensure a high quality support process, I hope you can understand that we need to work efficiently. Ideally you make sure that you fully understand the sample app, how it works and also seek for input in different support channels online (as the questions don’t seem to be related to an issue in the SDK directly but more to general development questions).

We're happy to recommend one of our premium partners, should you wish to work together with someone who is offering app development services.

Thx for your understanding and greetings


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