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Different Markers


I'm new to using the Wikitude SDK. I'm finding my way through most aspects but one basic thing I can't get to work is changing the marker to an image of my own. My steps in achieving this are uploading an image to Wikitude studio and then downloading this as a WTC file and saving this in the assets folder of the project. 

I then call the wtc file in this part of the code


 this.targetCollectionResource = new AR.TargetCollectionResource("assets/", {
            onError: World.onError

From the studio editor, I can see there is a name associated with the image as well as a TaregtID. Which one should I use in the code? Or should I use both? 


 The part of the code I've been trying to input both the name and the ID is the following. (I listed the name this time).

 this.pageOne = new AR.ImageTrackable(this.tracker, "pr_quantec_kr120_r1800_nano_01", {
            drawables: {
                cam: overlayOne
            onImageRecognized: World.hideInfoBar,
            onError: World.onError

 No matter what I try I can't get my image to work by manually entering the javascript code. Any ideas?



Try using "*" for a start.

Your stars look different to mine but make sure you have 2-3 to make it work.

Also try to use the Wikitude App first, to prove your image target is good.

Thanks Alexander, I applied the * and it is now working.

I'm still having a bit of trouble with this. I'm now trying to use more than one marker in my code. With each different marker opening a different scene. For that reason I no longer want to use the "*". However I still can't seem to call the correct name from Wikitude studio. Is it the name or the target id that I should be calling? 

In the below example I've tried substituting both of the following options but neither works

"qrcode2" for "*"

"5d10c980399152546ee43ca8" for "*"

I know the marker is good as it works fine with *.


 this.pageOne = new AR.ImageTrackable(this.tracker, "*", {
            drawables: {
                cam: [pdfbutton, overlayOne, overlayTwo, weatherWidget, weatherWidget2]
            enableExtendedTracking: true,
            onImageRecognized: World.hideInfoBar,
            onError: World.onError



This is working for me now. I'm not sure what was causing the issue. Possibly a typo.

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