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Instant Tracker not working as expected, Crosshair only partially visible

Hello, I´m currently working on an app where I want to make use of instant tracking. But when I´m launching the app it seems like the Instant Tracker isn’t working. The crosshair is not at a fixed position, it is floating around in space. Depending on the angle of the phone you can’t see parts of the crosshair (see attached picture). I tested it with smart enabled and disabled. 

I´m using the Wiktude SDK for Cordova Version 8.3.0 and tested it on multiple devices including iPhone 7+, iPhone 8 and iPhone XS all with iOS 12.2 but I didn’t work. Sometimes when I restarted the app on the iPhone 7 plus the Tracking worked as expected. In both cases there is no error output in the terminal. 

I also installed your sample app but unfortunately there was the same problem on every device named above. 

Do you have any idea what the problem could be?

Thanks & Greetings 


(1.76 MB)

Hello Benjamin,

would you mind trying the latest version of the SDK instead of the 8.3.0 version? I recall an issue similar to the rendering issues you describe being fixed recently. I'm thinking this might have been post 8.3.0.

- Daniel

Hi Daniel,

thanks for the quick response. I will try the latest version.



Hi Daniel, 

I tested it with the latest Cordova Plugin 8.4 and I still have the problem mentioned above. I also tested my app & your example app on my Samsung Galaxy S10 with Android 9/ARCore and they both worked fine. It seems like this is an iOS/ARKit related problem.

I wonder if you have similar issues if you test the latest Version of the SDK on your iPhone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Hi Benjamin,

my apologies for the late response. I managed to investigate on the iOS devices I have at my disposal, but failed to reproduce this issue. This puts me at a loss of what to do next. Without a way to reproduce the problem my hands are somewhat tied. I even went as far as to use a trial license key to match your setup.

Do you have any other iOS devices you can run this on? Maybe one with a lower iOS version?

Are you sure you updated to the 8.4.0 version?

Would it be possible for me to run your app somehow?

- Daniel

Hi Daniel,

no Problem. In the meantime I debugged my app a little bit. And I found out, that if I put a alert in the = function(availability) {
    switch (availability) {

            World.platformAssisstedTrackingSupported = true;

  in my 3dmodelsandgesturesinstanttracking.js (I´m working with the sample-app "05_InstantTracking_3_Interactivity") the app works on every iPhone mentioned above. So maybe some files are not loading fast enough?

I dont have any devices with a lower iOS version around and I think it´s not possible to downgrade the iOS version on the other iPhones.

I checked the Plugin-Version again with "cordova plugins -list" and I´m getting the output shown in the picture attached.

If you like I can send my project via email.  Should I send you the whole project or only the iOS-Folder?

Thanks & Greetings


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