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You broke the plugin API's


I'm using iOS Javascript SDK.  You've broken the plugin API's since version 8.3.

Now I have to rewrite my plugins... but the documentation is still outdated.   Can you please update them?

Also the "Plugin::addToJavaScriptQueue()" api is gone... any replacement method?

Hi Kai,

Can you please provide further details on what exactly is broken? And where the documentation is outdated?

Thx for your help.



The Wikitude SDK Plugins API has undergone many changes from v8.2 to v8.3.  Codes relying on v8.2 plugin no longer builds.

For example, Plugin::surfaceChanged(), Plugin::startRender(), Plugin::endRender(), Plugin::addToJavaScriptQueue() are gone.  And New, not yet documented class such as wikitude::sdk::ArchitectPlugin was introduced.  Many header files has been refactored.

The latest documentation at
no longer matches the current plugin example codes included in the SDK package.

Hi Kai,

you're right, the SDK 8.3 release included already the API changes but lacking the documentation update. We will update the documentation with the upcoming release.

The short explanation to your initially mention ::addToJavaScriptQueue method: Create your own `ArchitectPlugin` subclass, register a `JavaScriptPluginModule` subclass  in your plugin subclass like `setJavaScriptPluginModule(std::make_unique<MyJavaScriptPluginModuleSubclass>();` and then call the `callJavaScript` method of the JavaScriptPluginModule subclass.

All our examples are updated to the new APIs and there are replacements for all previously available APIs, so the new examples should be a good starting point to convert to the new plugin API.

Best regards,

Andreas Schacherbauer

Hi all,

is there any update on that issue? I still can't find a recent documentation. The examples are a starting point, but refactoring is very difficult, as these are not commented and there is a lot of changes in the Plugins API.



Hi Patrick,

Could you please provide detail which SDK version you're using and if you're also working with the iOS JS SDK and confirm that the latest documentation found in the documentation section does not match the sample app?

Thx and greetings


We are working with the Android JS SDK, but the same issue goes for both platforms. The documentation corresponds to the 8.1 API (to my knowledge), we are using 8.10. 

Unfortunately, the API was completely refactored and the examples do not suffice to explain all changes. E.g. the matrices of detected markers changed somehow, but there is no documentation about that anywhere.

As a follow-up: Especially we need to know about the new structure of the matrices of detected markers. Can you provide us with any information on that?



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