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HTML Drawable not properly visible in Instant Tracker

Hi, I am creating some HTML Widgets(AR.HtmlDrawable) and loading those widgets on instant tracker(AR.InstantTrackable).

The issue is, widget is not visible when the device is on any surface. Widgets are clearly visible when we pick the device in hand and keep it in front of the face.

Below I have added the screenshot of the app when device is on any surface(say on table). I need widgets to be visible clearly and not just it's top view in any orientation of the device. 

Please help me to choose which exact property should I use to achieve this.image


I want to achieve below expected output in any orientation of the device. 


 Thanks in advance. 


Can you please provide further details on your use case and the reason why you need to have the augmenation visibile when the smartphone e.g. is lying on the table? With Instant tracking you would place the Drawable / Augmenation which would then stay in exactly this place? If you wish to have the Augmrnetation rotated to the camera, please check the property 'rotatesToCamera' of the Drawable.

Thx and greetings


Hi Nicola, 

The exact use case is, I am scanning an object, and once it's scanned successfully, I am showing the details of the object in HTML Drawable. I want the Drawable to be visible in any orientation and UI should remain the same. Is it possible with the 'rotatesToCamera' property?




If you wish to have this visible exactly the same even if the device e.g. is laying on the table - best would be to display the content like a HUD - so that e.g. at the bottom there is a section that display the information. For a reference you can check the title bar in the sample app.

Thx and greetings



Can I get more information or references on how to do it? I saw the title bar in the sample app but I want to know how exactly it is implemented. How to display the content like HUD? By HUD did you mean Head-Up Display?




Please take a deeper look at how the titlebar is implemented - you can use this code as reference and then implement your own bar. HUD was just a reference to the bar / element that is displayed always on the screen fixed.




I have the wikitude app but don't have the source code of it. Can you please tell me where exactly I can find the code?




Please check the SDK sample app, that is included the SDK download package. With the technical documentation and the sample app which has a 'static' titlebar for each sample, you should have everything you need to get you started.

Thx and greetings



I have taken sample app from the GitHub Repo. I have added key in the js file but after taking a build, it shows key is missing. Is the app accessible for developer's free license? 




Which platform are you working with - did you follow the chapter 'Where should I enter the license key' from the documentation (e.g. for Cordova find it here.

Thx and greetings


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