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How can we get the point cloud during instant tracking initialization phase? (Android native SDK8)


I'm looking for a way to inform the user about the instant tracking initialization quality.
(And maybe even automatically trigger the tracking state if a certain quality has been reached)

I tried using InstantTracker#requestCurrentPointCloud but this only seems to work after tracking has been started.

Is this possible in some other way that I'm not seeing?

Kind regards,



No, before the successful initalisation the pointcloud and the mentioned method is not available.

Thx and greetings


Too bad... Than I can only suggest to maybe add this to your roadmap.
Currently the initialization is pure guesswork. Move around a little with the camera and hope for good results. That doesn't really contribute to a good user experience.

Kind regards,


Hi Yannick,

Thx for your feedback We'll add the request to our fearure list.

Thx and greetings


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