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Hi Wikitude Team : 

I do some research on JS Sdk sample qrcode these days

and I can see the qrcode decoded part is in BarcodePlugin.cpp and it passes the data to qrandbarcode.js WorldLoaded function

I am confused with if we would like to put model on qrcode when user aims at it (like sample surfer with imageOne model) , except import the qrcode as target image in Wikitude Studio , because it can only detected the qrcode image that is in .wtc file.

If I would like to scan any qrcode and when user aims at it , it appears the model  , do you have any suggestions?

can I do this in javascript code?

because If I add model in android (java) code class , the model moves  with the camera , so how can I know the right position in phone screen of the qrcode?

ps. The attachment is I set the qrcode as target image in Wikitude Studio and put the wtc file in the project , so that if I aim at this qrcode , it will appear model on it. But I hope it can contains any qrcodes. that is my question. 

Thank you Wikitude team!


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Sure Daniel. Thank you!

I would like to make a sample that if I aim at every QRCode , it shows the related Model with information

for example : If after QRCode decoded and it contains URL , I expect 

1. it will show the model on QRCode

2. if user click the model , it opens browser and links to the url

and if the QRCode contains video/audio information , it will display the video/audio on QRCode directly.

So I would like to detect there is an QRCode on the mobile screen.

and it can be decoded with information.

after that I need to show model on QRCode

if user click the model , it has some reaction for it.

Here is the detail of use case.

Thank you Daniel !!

Hi Milly,

I see. I'm afraid you're really going to have to go down the path I outlined previously. I don't see this working out without a QR core tracking algorithm that provides a pose.

What you had in mind with our QR code plugin and instant tracking might work to some extent, but that would not really track the marker. If you were to move the marker, things would fall apart since Instant tracking simply track the environment and not a specific thing in it.

- Daniel

Okay Daniel.I see.

Can I figure out that if the first step I need to do is add QRCode plugin with c++ code?

Or modify the c++ code in Market tracking.

Sorry , does Wikitude team has slack? Thank you!

Hi Milly,

yes, the first step is to have a C++ QR marker tracking implementation. Make sure to use a library that provides you with a pose/matrix, not just corner points.

If you have that, I'd suggest using the marker tracking plugin as a reference to implement your plugin.

I'm afraid I can't offer you any more direct channels of communication. This will have to be sufficient.

- Daniel

Hi Daniel :

I go through the Market Tracking sample

But I`m confused how does MarketTracking.cpp works with market_tracking.js

I tried to add log and modify code in MarketTrackging.cpp , but seems it doesn`t work 

and keep the same result before I modified.

Could you tell me more detail about this?

thank you!

Good morning Milly,

I believe you will want to read through the documentation of the Plugins API. That should answer your questions.

Plugins API

If you're working on Android, you need to recompile the library that contains the plugin code for any changes to take effect.

- Daniel

Hello Milly, 

I'm looking for the similar use-case. Did you figure it out what to use to render 3D models in QR code?

Thank you!

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