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How Can I Use Single Target But I Want Change The 3d Model only Click the model

Please Help Me for my problem. I want a use only one target image but I use onClick Method and change the 3d model. Can I do this ?

Please help me for that problem. I want a change 3d Model on 3D model on Target but only I click on page anywhere. My model everytime wait the screen. never gone. What is my problem please help me I want a solve this problem.


var World = {
	loaded: false,
	rotating: false,
	trackableVisible: false,
    resourcesLoaded: false,

	init: function initFn() {

	createOverlays: function createOverlaysFn() {
			First an AR.ImageTracker needs to be created in order to start the recognition engine. It is initialized with a AR.TargetCollectionResource specific to the target collection that should be used. Optional parameters are passed as object in the last argument. In this case a callback function for the onTargetsLoaded trigger is set. Once the tracker loaded all its target images, the function worldLoaded() is called.
			Important: If you replace the tracker file with your own, make sure to change the target name accordingly.
			Use a specific target name to respond only to a certain target or use a wildcard to respond to any or a certain group of targets.
		this.targetCollectionResource = new AR.TargetCollectionResource("assets/", {
            onLoaded: function () {
                World.resourcesLoaded = true;
            onError: function(errorMessage) {

        this.tracker = new AR.ImageTracker(this.targetCollectionResource, {
            onTargetsLoaded: this.loadingStep,
            onError: function(errorMessage) {

			3D content within Wikitude can only be loaded from Wikitude 3D Format files (.wt3). This is a compressed binary format for describing 3D content which is optimized for fast loading and handling of 3D content on a mobile device. You still can use 3D models from your favorite 3D modeling tools (Autodesk® Maya® or Blender) but you'll need to convert them into the wt3 file format. The Wikitude 3D Encoder desktop application (Windows and Mac) encodes your 3D source file. You can download it from our website. The Encoder can handle Autodesk® FBX® files (.fbx) and the open standard Collada (.dae) file formats for encoding to .wt3.
			Create an AR.Model and pass the URL to the actual .wt3 file of the model. Additional options allow for scaling, rotating and positioning the model in the scene.
			A function is attached to the onLoaded trigger to receive a notification once the 3D model is fully loaded. Depending on the size of the model and where it is stored (locally or remotely) it might take some time to completely load and it is recommended to inform the user about the loading time.
		this.modelCar = new AR.Model("assets/car.wt3", {
			onLoaded: this.loadingStep,
				The drawables are made clickable by setting their onClick triggers. Click triggers can be set in the options of the drawable when the drawable is created. Thus, when the 3D model onClick: this.toggleAnimateModel is set in the options it is then passed to the AR.Model constructor. Similar the button's onClick: this.toggleAnimateModel trigger is set in the options passed to the AR.ImageDrawable constructor. toggleAnimateModel() is therefore called when the 3D model or the button is clicked.
				Inside the toggleAnimateModel() function, it is checked if the animation is running and decided if it should be started, resumed or paused.
			onClick: this.toggleAnimateModel,
			scale: {
				x: 0.0,
				y: 0.0,
				z: 0.0
			translate: {
				x: 0.0,
				y: 0.05,
				z: 0.0
			rotate: {
				z: -25

			As a next step, an appearing animation is created. For more information have a closer look at the function implementation.
		this.appearingAnimation = this.createAppearingAnimation(this.modelCar, 0.045);

			The rotation animation for the 3D model is created by defining an AR.PropertyAnimation for the rotate.roll property.
		this.rotationAnimation = new AR.PropertyAnimation(this.modelCar, "rotate.z", -25, 335, 10000);

			Additionally to the 3D model an image that will act as a button is added to the image target. This can be accomplished by loading an AR.ImageResource and creating a drawable from it.
		var imgRotate = new AR.ImageResource("assets/rotateButton.png");
		var buttonRotate = new AR.ImageDrawable(imgRotate, 0.2, {
			translate: {
				x: 0.35,
				y: 0.45
			onClick: this.toggleAnimateModel

			To receive a notification once the image target is inside the field of vision the onEnterFieldOfVision trigger of the AR.ImageTrackable is used. In the example the function appear() is attached. Within the appear function the previously created AR.AnimationGroup is started by calling its start() function which plays the animation once.
			To add the AR.ImageDrawable to the image target together with the 3D model both drawables are supplied to the AR.ImageTrackable.
		var trackable = new AR.ImageTrackable(this.tracker, "*", {
			drawables: {
				cam: [this.modelCar, buttonRotate]
			onImageRecognized: this.appear,
			onImageLost: this.disappear,
            onError: function(errorMessage) {

	removeLoadingBar: function() {
		if (!World.loaded && World.resourcesLoaded && World.modelCar.isLoaded()) {
			var e = document.getElementById('loadingMessage');
			World.loaded = true;

	loadingStep: function loadingStepFn() {
		if (World.resourcesLoaded && World.modelCar.isLoaded()) {

			if ( World.trackableVisible && !World.appearingAnimation.isRunning() ) {

			var cssDivLeft = " style='display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle; text-align: right; width: 50%; padding-right: 15px;'";
			var cssDivRight = " style='display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle; text-align: left;'";
			document.getElementById('loadingMessage').innerHTML =
				"<div" + cssDivLeft + ">Scan CarAd ClientTracker Image:</div>" +
				"<div" + cssDivRight + "><img src='assets/car.png'></img></div>";

	createAppearingAnimation: function createAppearingAnimationFn(model, scale) {
			The animation scales up the 3D model once the target is inside the field of vision. Creating an animation on a single property of an object is done using an AR.PropertyAnimation. Since the car model needs to be scaled up on all three axis, three animations are needed. These animations are grouped together utilizing an AR.AnimationGroup that allows them to play them in parallel.
			Each AR.PropertyAnimation targets one of the three axis and scales the model from 0 to the value passed in the scale variable. An easing curve is used to create a more dynamic effect of the animation.
		var sx = new AR.PropertyAnimation(model, "scale.x", 0, scale, 1500, {
		var sy = new AR.PropertyAnimation(model, "scale.y", 0, scale, 1500, {
		var sz = new AR.PropertyAnimation(model, "scale.z", 0, scale, 1500, {

		return new AR.AnimationGroup(AR.CONST.ANIMATION_GROUP_TYPE.PARALLEL, [sx, sy, sz]);

	appear: function appearFn() {
		World.trackableVisible = true;
		if ( World.loaded ) {
			// Resets the properties to the initial values.
	disappear: function disappearFn() {
		World.trackableVisible = false;

	resetModel: function resetModelFn() {
		World.rotating = false;
		World.modelCar.rotate.z = -25;

	toggleAnimateModel: function toggleAnimateModelFn() {
		if (!World.rotationAnimation.isRunning()) {
			if (!World.rotating) {
				// Starting an animation with .start(-1) will loop it indefinitely.
				World.rotating = true;
			} else {
				// Resumes the rotation animation
		} else {
			// Pauses the rotation animation

		return false;



Hi Kaan,

Unfortunately, I do not exactly understand what your issue is. Do you want to have an 3D model as an augmented object that appears only when you click on somewhere? If not, then could you please clarify a bit further what is your use case?



Hi Eva,

I want to show the changing 3d models as I click on one target image that I added. The target image is the same but the models to be displayed on it will change. I did not make it. When I click on it, I open another index.html, but still the old model remains on the screen. So in short, I want to open another model as soon as I click on a target model.


 World.img3D.drawables.removeCamDrawable(this.modelCar, 4);

 World.img3D.drawables.addCamDrawable(this.modelCar2, 4);

 Where and how can I use such code?

Hi Kaan,

Thank you for explaining your use case in more details. In order to achieve your use case these are the steps you need to follow (all the information is listed here

  • Call the onClick function to define what you wish to have once the user clicks the model
  • Put the enabled property of the first model to false
  • Add the second model in the cam drawables of your image tracker



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