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Galaxy S6 Default Example chrash

We are running the default Instant Tracking example on a samsung Galaxy S6. Its a Unity project with version 2017.3.1f1 and the latest Wikitude SDK, without anything else.

The example works as expected for about 2 - 7 minutes, but after awhile the app will chrash. LogCat reveals there is a Signal(11) (null refrence) which causes the app to be killed. We have tried running the app with Open GL 2&3, without 32 bit buffers, and with a locked orientation. So far none of these have helped and the same error occurs. Is there any way someone from the Wikitude team can take a look at this?

There are no unusual messages before this, it just suddenly has a null ref. 

04-04 15:37:11.391: A/libc(15344): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x20 in tid 15356 (UnityMain)
04-04 15:37:11.498: A/DEBUG(485): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-04 15:37:11.498: A/DEBUG(485): Build fingerprint: 'google/bullhead/bullhead:6.0.1/MTC20F/3031278:user/release-keys'
04-04 15:37:11.499: A/DEBUG(485): Revision: 'rev_1.0'
04-04 15:37:11.499: A/DEBUG(485): ABI: 'arm'
04-04 15:37:11.502: A/DEBUG(485): pid: 15344, tid: 15356, name: UnityMain  >>> com.wikitude.unityexample <<<
04-04 15:37:11.503: A/DEBUG(485): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x20
04-04 15:37:11.508: E/mm-camera-sensor(507): port_sensor_handle_aec_update:443miss aec update window, skip
04-04 15:37:11.549: A/DEBUG(485):     r0 cb653220  r1 00000000  r2 f42be388  r3 00000004
04-04 15:37:11.550: A/DEBUG(485):     r4 f42be3f0  r5 f42be1b0  r6 f42be178  r7 f42be578
04-04 15:37:11.551: A/DEBUG(485):     r8 f42be298  r9 0000001b  sl cb653220  fp d16b30ec
04-04 15:37:11.551: A/DEBUG(485):     ip 00000001  sp f42bdec8  lr d5bb8257  pc d5bb82fc  cpsr 600b0030
04-04 15:37:11.556: A/DEBUG(485): backtrace:
04-04 15:37:11.557: A/DEBUG(485):     #00 pc 003672fc  /data/app/com.wikitude.unityexample-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN6aramis10MEstimator10updatePoseERNSt6__ndk16vectorIPNS_13TrackingPointENS1_9allocatorIS4_EEEERNS2_IbNS5_IbEEEEd+1115)
04-04 15:37:11.558: A/DEBUG(485):     #01 pc 00333b9b  /data/app/com.wikitude.unityexample-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN6aramis10MEstimator11computePoseINS_17DistortionModel2DEdEEvRKNS_12CameraModel_IT_T0_EERNSt6__ndk16vectorIPNS_13TrackingPointENS9_9allocatorISC_EEEERNSA_IbNSD_IbEEEERN4TooN3SE3IdEEibd+398)
04-04 15:37:11.559: A/DEBUG(485):     #02 pc 00333147  /data/app/com.wikitude.unityexample-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN6aramis17SlamObjectTracker11trackPointsERN4TooN3SE3IdEE+694)
04-04 15:37:11.560: A/DEBUG(485):     #03 pc 00335eef  /data/app/com.wikitude.unityexample-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN6aramis17SlamObjectTracker3runERNS_9BaseLayerIhEE+102)
04-04 15:37:11.561: A/DEBUG(485):     #04 pc 0031a61b  /data/app/com.wikitude.unityexample-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN6aramis17MusketIr3dService12processFrameEv+274)
04-04 15:37:11.562: A/DEBUG(485):     #05 pc 002e26c3  /data/app/com.wikitude.unityexample-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN8wikitude14sdk_foundation4impl17MusketIr3dService6updateEv+406)
04-04 15:37:11.563: A/DEBUG(485):     #06 pc 002d4aa7  /data/app/com.wikitude.unityexample-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN8wikitude14sdk_foundation4impl14ServiceManager6updateEv+130)
04-04 15:37:11.564: A/DEBUG(485):     #07 pc 002af473  /data/app/com.wikitude.unityexample-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN8wikitude15native_sdk_core4impl15NativeSDKEngine6updateEv+26)
04-04 15:37:11.565: A/DEBUG(485):     #08 pc 002b5d2b  /data/app/com.wikitude.unityexample-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN8wikitude11android_sdk4impl23NativeRendererInterface6updateEv+26)
04-04 15:37:11.566: A/DEBUG(485):     #09 pc 00080c7f  /data/app/com.wikitude.unityexample-1/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x75000)


To specify, the scene is "Instant Tracking - scene picking".  This crash issue happens on the Nexus 5X aswell

Hi Glenn,

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will try to include a fix for it in the next release.

Best Regards,


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