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I can not response my location

I am use android 8.0. Start your javascript SDK example apk. Pois are not visible and I can not take response error message only camera is open and nothing there.

please answer me one of you please


Did you follow the setup guide and check the log output? As also the UI element(s) that should be displayed (a small round 'info' icon on the bottom of the screen) it seems that the setup is not correct. Does any of the samples load correctly? If not, please have another look at the setup guide in the documentation.

Thx and greetings



Hi Nicola, I setup this application is many times. Every phone is open Pois but android 8.0 is not open any geo location based samples. I help for this problem.

Hi Kaan,

First of all, please check if your phone fulfills these requirements regarding the Sensor-based AR section here. Also, please refer to this How to Guide to have a better understanding of how to work with GeoLocation class.



Dear Eva, My phone specs is completely o.k. Please look
Your SDK is not working on Android 8.0
I looked How To Guide page. I am use your WikitudeSDK_Android_7-1-0_2017-09-20_19-46-00/Examples/apk/WikitudeSDKSamples.apk and I cannot see any poi or geo location ar based any samples. I sended video to you please watch and after answer me.

Hi Kaan,

Did you change the sample code at all? Did you for example try to put your own POIs?



No, All of your codes because I install your builded apk. but not working 

If you go to the documentation section here, we explain that the Wikitude SDK does not provide a location strategy, which means that the location has to be provided to the SDK by using architectView.setLocation(latitude, longitude, altitude).

Please follow the guidelines there to fix your issue.


thanks for your help but I can not explain you your sdk is not working on android 8 I work only android 8 version. How to work your sdk on android 8.


I think it should work with android 8.0.

Something that helps me a lot is the google dev tool for remote device, (the experience is displayed in a webview, so we have access to this tool)

can you see my video raphael De Sede? my problem is sdk is not working on android 8. I tested a lot of mobile phones and I build and run different machines. But only can not work android 8 devices. I have Google Pixel and Huawei Mate 10 pro stock apk is not work on this device. but moto z samsung j3 lg g2 lg g3 lg g4 is open and work this apk.

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