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Version issue NDK - Android Studio 3.0.1 NDK 16.0.4442984 JavaScript SDK

Error:error: /Users/alex/Projects/Android/docsign/opencv/src/sdk/native/3rdparty/libs/x86/libippicv.a(jmp_icvippiTranspose_32s_C4IR_as.s.o): relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol icv_ippJumpIndexForMergedLibs cannot be used when making a shared object

This is the latest Android Studio and NDK, and I am using OpenCV,

Android Studio 3.0.1 NDK 16.0.4442984

This does not happen on my other machine which does not have NDK updated.

1 person has this problem

Hi Mayank,

Which version of our Javascript SDK are you using and is this happening with our example app or with your app only?





Using Latest JAVASCRIPT API 7.1.0 SDK.

the issue occurs in your examples.


Error:error: /home/letsnurture/Documents/WikitudeSDK_Android_7-1-0_2017-09-20_19-46-00/Examples/SDKExamples/plugins/src/main/cpp/jni/../lib/x86/libippicv.a(jmp_icvippiTranspose_32s_C1IR_as.s.o): relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol icv_ippJumpIndexForMergedLibs cannot be used when making a shared object

Error:error: /home/letsnurture/Documents/WikitudeSDK_Android_7-1-0_2017-09-20_19-46-00/Examples/SDKExamples/plugins/src/main/cpp/jni/../lib/x86/libippicv.a(jmp_icvippiThreshold_GTVal_8u_C1IR_as.s.o): relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol icv_ippJumpIndexForMergedLibs cannot be used when making a shared object

Error:error: /home/letsnurture/Documents/WikitudeSDK_Android_7-1-0_2017-09-20_19-46-00/Examples/SDKExamples/plugins/src/main/cpp/jni/../lib/x86/libippicv.a(jmp_icvippiFilterMedianBorder_16s_C1R_as.s.o): relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol icv_ippJumpIndexForMergedLibs cannot be used when making a shared object

Error:error: /home/letsnurture/Documents/WikitudeSDK_Android_7-1-0_2017-09-20_19-46-00/Examples/SDKExamples/plugins/src/main/cpp/jni/../lib/x86/libippicv.a(jmp_icvippiApplyHaarClassifier_32f_C1R_as.s.o): relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol icv_ippJumpIndexForMergedLibs cannot be used when making a shared object

Error:error: /home/letsnurture/Documents/WikitudeSDK_Android_7-1-0_2017-09-20_19-46-00/Examples/SDKExamples/plugins/src/main/cpp/jni/../lib/x86/libippicv.a(jmp_icvippiSet_32f_C4MR_as.s.o): relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol icv_ippJumpIndexForMergedLibs cannot be used when making a shared object

Error:error: /home/letsnurture/Documents/WikitudeSDK_Android_7-1-0_2017-09-20_19-46-00/Examples/SDKExamples/plugins/src/main/cpp/jni/../lib/x86/libippicv.a(jmp_icvippsMaxEvery_32f_as.s.o): relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol icv_ippJumpIndexForMergedLibs cannot be used when making a shared object

Error:error: /home/letsnurture/Documents/WikitudeSDK_Android_7-1-0_2017-09-20_19-46-00/Examples/SDKExamples/plugins/src/main/cpp/jni/../lib/x86/libippicv.a(jmp_icvippiDotProd_16u64f_C1R_as.s.o): relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol icv_ippJumpIndexForMergedLibs cannot be used when making a shared object

Hi Mayank,

Can you please try to switch to NDK 14 if possible?

Best regards,


Is there any issue in NDK 16+?

Not possible to Downgrade.

Hi Mayank,

Fortunately this is only an issue of the plugins in the sample app and not an issue of the Wikitude SDK. 

If you do not want to try the plugin samples you can simply remove the dependency to the plugins module in build.gradle of the app module.

Best Regards,


I followed along with the examples-tutorials and hit this issue as well.   The builtin SDK Manager in Android Studio only lists NDK 16.

Are there any plans to update the sample apps to support NDK 16+? Or can you provide instructions to install NDK 14? 

Download the NDK 14b release, uncompress it then set the path in File > Project Structure > Android NDK Location.

Thanks for your response let me try to remove a module from gradle file.

Hi all,


A beta version of SDK 8 is now available for developers on the download page offering support for Android Studio 3.x and Gradle 3.





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