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SDK License


I have purchased a single Wikitude license for my apps (1 iOS app and 1 Android app) and used it with SDK version 5.3. Now I need to upgrade the iOS SDK to 7.1 and the Android SDK to 6.1. When I use the existing license key with the updated SDKs, its display the trial watermark. I have the following questions about the license.

  1. Do I have to upgrade the existing SDK 5.3 license to work with the SDK 6.1 and 7.1. If it's needed to upgrade, what is the procedure to upgrade?
  2. If it's possible to have a single license key for two apps (1 iOS and 1 Android) but running different SDK versions (SDK 7.1 in iOS and SDK 6.1 in Android) in the apps?

I really appreciate any help you can provide. 


Hello Buddhika,

Please reach out to providing all the information you posted here as well as the invoice of your purchase.



Thank you Eva.

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