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Unity xCode fail when i try to submit to the AppStore


Recently we updated wikitude to version 7 and now we are having trouble to submit the app to the AppStore. I am attaching here the error that we are getting.

For the first error (x86_x64, i386), we already tried this solution without any luck.


We really need to unlock it fast because we need to start testing it on iOS and with the version 7 we also have problems in Android, so, it's a little bit frustrating!!

We are using:
- Unity 5.6.0f3
- Wikitude SDK for Unity 7.0.0
- xCode 8.3.3



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Hi Gabriel,

The script you're referring to seems fine. We used a similar one to submit Apps to the AppStore already.

Which version of Xcode are you using? We build our SDK with the latest stable version of Xcode (8.3.3), so you might need to update your version of Xcode to be compatible with our SDK.

Best regards,


Hi Andreas,

We are using the same xCode version (8.3.3)
Can be the problem with Unity version? We test it exporting with Unity 5.6.0f and 5.6.1 with the same result.



This problem seams still not no be fixed.

Since not anyone is that familiar with terminal scripts in mac, here is how I did it:

- Create a script file: FixWikitudeIOS.command

- Use this code:




lipo -remove i386 $1 -o $1

lipo -remove x86_64 $1 -o $1


fix "/Users/.../UnityBuildDirectory/Frameworks/Plugins/iOS/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework/WikitudeNativeSDK"

- Open the terminal to give the file access with this command:

chmod u+x /Users/.../FixWikitudeIOS.command

- Run the file (double-click). If you get error messages, it's probably the path



Hi Gabriel,

Also the Unity version looks fine for me. 

Could you do me a favour and check that only one version of the WikitudeNativeSDK.framework is in your project and that this one only contains armv7, armv7s and arm64 architecture slices by running `lipo -info *path/to/the/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework/WikitudeNativeSDK*? Please send me the output of the before mentioned command.

Best regards,


Hi Andreas,

I've runned the lipo -info command and effectively the script isn't running because i get as output:
"i386 x86_64 armv7 armv7s arm64" and when i check the log output, i saw an error when try to rename the framework on script.

So, i made a test using this commands to remove the unused platforms manually:

$: lipo -remove i386 *path/to/the/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework/WikitudeNativeSDK* -o *path/to/the/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework/WikitudeNativeSDK*
$: lipo -remove x86_64 *path/to/the/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework/WikitudeNativeSDK* -o *path/to/the/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework/WikitudeNativeSDK*

and works!! Now we can submit to AppStore again!
Really thanks for your time Andreas!



Hi @all,

We released the next minor update of our SDK recently. This update includes scripts to remove simulator architectures and bitcode (if needed). You can find the documentation here (Native API) and here (JS API).

Best regards,


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