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Xamarin Wikitude SDK does not support "architectsdk://" URLs

We're currently investigating the use of the Wikitude SDK for a Xamarin cross-platform app. As mentioned in the docs (here, and some other places), we should be able to use the "architectsdk" schema to handle interactivity in native code. There are two problems with this:

  1. It's currently impossible to use custom schema in the web editor. Any URLs that do not begin with "http" are considered invalid.
  2. If one edits the 'project.js' file that is exported from the web editor manually to use the custom schema, the app crashes when the interactivity is triggered (on iOS). It's possible to work around this by adding custom handling for this schema in 'template.js'

Is this a known issue? Can these issues be fixed? If so, what would the timeline for the fixes be?

Thank you for your time.

Hi Sadf,

Could you please tell me which SDK version you are testing with?



Any update on this? It would be very helpful if this issue with the editor was fixed.

We are using the current Xamarin Component, which appears to be at 6.1.0

Good morning,

quite recently we released a new API to communicate with native code that I believe will suit your needs. It allows sending of a JSON object that is received as a dictionary on the native side:


public partial class ExampleArchitectViewDelegate : WTArchitectViewDelegate 
	public override void ReceivedJSONObject(WTArchitectView architectView, NSDictionary jsonObject)
		Console.WriteLine ("Received JSON object.");



	some_key: "some_value"


The corresponding reference can be found here.

- Daniel

We did end up using that, but this requires modifying the JS experience ZIP that is exported from the Wikitude Studio editor. Are there any plans to fix the issues with the architectsdk schema?

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