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Combine geo and tracking

Hi, I want to create an application combining geo and image tracking, I use as a basis the reloading content and snapping video samples, i want to get them to show pois and that in turn perform image recognition, but I do not know how to start. I want to know, if this can be achieved and how it could begin. Thanks in advance.

Hello Marcus,

Is this example helping you accomplish what you wish? If not, then could you please explain in more details what is your use case?




It's not exactly what I want to do, basically what I need is for exactly the same thing to happen in the examples I'm basing on (snapping video and reloading content), but running at the same time, that is, they're independent but they work at the same time. I hope I've made myself understood.

Thanks in advance

Hi Marcus,

I am sorry but I do not understand your use case. Could you please explain in details what it is you want to accomplish by describing each step?



Thanks for your attention, I solved my doubt simply by combining the codes of both examples, but now I have a new question, and it's like I can block the orientation of screen to landscape in a single "window", that is, I just want it to be forced io use lanscape during the execution of the augmented reality experience, but not in the index of examples.

Thanks in advance

Hello Marcus,

To lock the ArchitectView orientation you have to lock the Activity containing the ArchitectView.
This can be done by adding android:screenOrientation=“landscape” in your manifest.
<activity ...>




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