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How to play video on 3d model different part touches.

Hi, I implement 3d model part my requirements is I want to play video on particular part touches. I tried a lot but model and video load same time. Whenever user touch particular part after that video play according to that part. Can anyone help me to achieve this? And yes I m new in javascript. Developing in Android studio with wikitude sdk. Thanks in advance.

Hello Kushan,

I am sure that you can understand that we cannot provide you with anything further other than the code that we have already in our samples. Otherwise, we would need to provide code for every single user who has a specific use case.

What you should do is have a look at the code for VideoDrawables provided here and implement it, by adjusting it in order to fit your specific use case, inside your function World.animationDoorR.start();



I have already achieved what i want.

Thanks for helps!!!

Good to know ;)


Hello Kushan,

Yes this would be possible. So basically what you need to do is have a look at our sample regarding Animation of Model Parts. When you call the function "World.animationDoorL.start();" you need to develop inside this function the part that should play the video.

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