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Open Android Activity when click on Wikitude Model 3D

Hi there,

We need to open an android activity when click on wikitude model 3d. We just reach it but performance is too bad and slow. 

Anyone could help us to improve performance?

Thanks in advance, Cheers!

Hello Juan,

Could you please explain in more details what you mean by saying that the performance is too bad and slow?



Hi again!

Yes, what I mean is that when I click on a 3d model to open a new activity inside my application, it takes a few seconds (5 sec or so, and the screen freezes) until the activity is opened. The same thing happens when I press the back button from the activity to the architectview, making the user experience not the most appropriate. Is this behavior normal? Or is it possible that my application is doing a very heavy process that causes this process to slow down?

I'm working on api javascript, version 6.1.0. Thanks in advance!

Hi Juan,

Which device do you use for testing? Can you explain a little what is happening in the activity you want to show? 

Maybe you can share a video that shows the behaviour?!

Best regards,


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