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SLAM abilities

Hi, I'm trying to work with Wikitude's new SLAM feature. I had some questions that I'll appreciate if you can help me with.

I wanted to ask if we can define different environments and make the app so that it can differ from them and load different contents.

I also wanted to ask if there is object recognition feature in new sdk like the video demos.

Thanks very much



With our markerless / instant tracking feature you can only track the environment / scenery instantly. So you can't save maps of different scenes and track according to these. Our latest videos all work with instant tracking, as object tracking is not available in the SDK at the moment.




Hi, how does this work then?

isn't that available in the current sdk?

if so, how do you use it?

Best, Flo

Hello Florian,

The video you are referring to is a Wikitude demo and it was part of our beta program, which has been ended. Over the past months we have tested intensively and gathered the necessary feedback to improve this technology. The Wikitude technical team is now working on the final version of this product and we will inform you as soon as we have any updates. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and blog to have the latest news about Wikitude.




A beta version of SDK 8 is now available for developers on the download page and it introduces a new feature, Instant Targets. Users can now add augmentations to physical surfaces, save the AR experience and make it available for others to load and see in the future. Additionally, the saved Instant Targets map can be edited on the fly when loaded.



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