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Duplicate entry:*.class in newest SDK 5.3.1

I have bought the  key for my product for a newest SDK, but the .class in the SDK conflict with other jars in my project.

The reason is there are lots of .class file dob't belong to any package, like this:


I know that you obfuscated the code,but if the .class don't belong to any package , it might conflict with lots of other jar.


I think it is a very bad situation in project , especially  in  making a SDK.

Can you fix it ?

I am using  the old SDK without this problem now(5.1.4), but I am worrying about there are some bug not fixed in old SDK. But I have no other ways because I am developing  in a critical condition.

Looking  forward to your reply.


This sounds like the same problem posted here:

As mentioned by Andreas, we don't officially support .jars anymore. The SDK is delivered in the standard .aar format. If you need to convert the recommended .aar file into .jar files, we can't provide support for any issues that might arise.



Thanks for your response.

But the problem also occur  when I use the .aar file. That is what I can't accept.

Now I have move the SDK to another project which supports aar SDK, but the duplicate entry is still a problem.

You know that all classes I used will be packed to a classes.dex file when the .apk is generating. That is the reason of deplicate entry ,whether I used aar or jar.

So I can't understand why you keep some classes  in no package.

You can move all the .class to com.wikitude entirely, but you didn't.

So the problem is not a same problem like which I posted before.

Keep a no-package-name class is always a dangerous behavior.I think there might be other problems in the future.I am only the first developer confused with that.

I buy the SDK with email :cf******* and provide my Android  package name in 12.27.2016

You can find the record of my purchase.


this is an issue of SDK 5.3.0 and is fixed with 5.3.1.

Please make sure you are using the correct version.

Best Regards,


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