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SELECTING POIS; Labels on the same line and imposible to tap the one behind

SELECTING POIS; Labels on the same line and imposible to tap the one behind


We are experiencing issues regarding SELECTING POIS.

When there are various labels on the same line, the closest point label covers the others over and it makes impossible to tap the labels behind.

For example;

In this case, POI?11 comes first and you see the ?10 and #20 behind of #11. In our case, we have various POIs on the same line, which meas the #11 covers over #10 and #20 complately and the users cannot tap the #11 and #20.

Our idea to soluve this problem is to change the hight of each labels to be able to make the labels visible and clickable.

Or are there any recomendable solutions?

Thank you for your help.



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