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Real geolocation

Real geolocation

Hola todos.

Tengo dos preguntas.

1. cuando se ejecutan los ejemplos con modificaciones menores (código real y ajustes cordenadas), se muestran superpuestas todos los puntos (mercados). Debo hacer para ser distribuido en la pantalla?

2. Una vez que la entrada de datos real y la visualización de coordenadas puntos no me muestran correctamente, ya que me muestra el primer registro de mi json no importa que no sea cordenada de mi ubicación.

gracias, estoy atento.


Ad 1): are your POIs far away from your location or are the POI locations very near to each other? This is the most common reason why the POIs are all in one direction and very near to each other.

Ad2) can you provide further details where your think that there is an issue in the JSON and what the problem is with th POI display?



Hi Nicola,

1. in the first part is that one sample points because the others are below (superimposed).

For part two. of the 23 records in my json, id always shown, '1' when this is not even in my geo position.



If the POIs are stacked because they are close to each other, please check these forum posts, on how you can work with this

For the 2nd question - Can you please explain in more detail what the issue is - it's not clear to me.



thanks for your reply.

I doubt point two is that I cordenadas another city and these are also displayed.

It has something to do the test project? if I can work with that project by adding some more functions?

and if the location that comes by default has something to do with it? 

attachment used for web service.

for the issue of the stack, I'll review the information you send me

stay tuned

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