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Recognise two targets simultaneously

Recognise two targets simultaneously


I need two targets to be recognized simultaneously and overlay thier corresponding images. I tired multiple target SDK example, displaying both the target at ones, it doesnt recognize both at the same time. I changed to my code as below: basically, onEnterFieldOfVision for the first target, add code to recognize the second target. This doesnt work either. Need your help!!

var tracker1 = new AR.ClientTracker("assets/", {
onLoaded: this.worldLoaded,
physicalTargetImageHeights: {
pageOne: 268

// Create overlay for page one
var imgOne = new AR.ImageResource("assets/furniture1.png");
var overlayOne = new AR.ImageDrawable(imgOne, 1, {
offsetX: -0.15,
offsetY: 0

var pageOne = new AR.Trackable2DObject(tracker1, "VirtualHome", {
drawables: {
cam: overlayOne
onEnterFieldOfVision: function(){

var imgTwo = new AR.ImageResource("assets/furniture2.png");
var overlayTwo = new AR.ImageDrawable(imgTwo, 1, {
offsetX: 0.12,
offsetY: -0.01
The AR.Trackable2DObject for the second page uses the same tracker but with a different target name and the second overlay.
var pageTwo = new AR.Trackable2DObject(tracker1, "VirtualHome2", {
drawables: {
cam: overlayTwo



Our SDK currently does not support simulanious target recognition at the same time.



Thanks for the info.

Is there any plans to support this feature in the future?


We have it on our festure list - but not on our current roadmap. Therefor I can't give any timeline when this feature might come.



Great news for you as today we launched SDK 7, which introduces as well your feature request, “Multiple Image Target”. In a nutshell, SDK 7 includes:
  • Object Recognition
  • Multiple Image Target Recognition Hit-testing API for SLAM
  • Instant tracking improvements
  • Extended recognition range
Multiple Image Target’ feature enables recognition of several images simultaneously. Once the images are recognized, developers will be able to layer 3D models, buttons, videos, images and more on each target. Additionally, augmentations will be able to interact with each other based on the targets’ positions.

Check out this blog for a developer insight. You can download the new SDK 7 directly from our Download page. Enjoy our new cool features ;)



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