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3D Model Jumping and Spining Around

3D Model Jumping and Spining Around

Hello there!

I'm interested in selling AR and made a sample for a client. BUT the 3D model I made seems to JUMP around and SPIN like crazy.

Though it's funny to see it twirl and dance I ned it to stay put and look awesome. Now I made a Tracking Image that has 3 stars rating.

my model looks great on C4D and Wikitude 3D encoder. Any ideas? I'm using an LG L7X. If I can get it working I can probably work

with Wikitude since I like it's price and is very awesome.



Hi Jasson,

Can you please send over the following:

- .wt3 file of youe 3D model

- target image

- short video showing the behaiour on your device.



Hi Nicola!

Actually I kept trying different Target images and addes several more items on my AR proyect and it's fixed.

Thanks anyway. Sorry for the trouble
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