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Android-not able to fill activity screen with camera view, wikitude

Android-not able to fill activity screen with camera view, wikitude

i was using some code that i took from an example project and the camera fills the entire screen when used in that project, however when I used this same code in my project the camera view did not fill the screen, it only fills a smaller section of the screen leaving a large white space around to the right and below it. this despite the fact that all my code is the exact same as in the other project for all the files, manifest, xml and activity. yet there is a difference when i used this same code in my project.
i looked over all the code and could not find out any differences in my code that would cause this strange result, so i gave up trying to fix it that way.
is there another way to change my code to make the camera view fill all of the screen of the parent activity if what i am using is not working? any ideas?

The layout of the GUI components on the screen is specified in the layout files, you should check the XML files in the "layout" directory of your project.
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