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Cant get demo to work on any of my devices

Cant get demo to work on any of my devices

Still using the trial license.

I can only buy it if its going to work.

ok, a trial license is fine. I just wanted to make sure that you're not dealing with a 'unlicensed SDK' problem.

To speed up thinks, can you send me your complete iOS project so that I can have a look at it?

Best regards



Yes, Here is the ios project by itself. Works in IOS 7 not in IOS 8.

Thanks for taking a look.

Which Xcode version did you use?

Xcode 6

Any luck?

I'm currently having a look at your project and so far it seems that you have modified the created sample app. In my Xcode project there are several files missing and also the main 'www' folder is red displayed, meaning that Xcode is not able to find it. So maybe you simply forgot some files in the .zip or you have modified the generated project.

Do you use the latest developer channel release? The first 4.0.2 developer channel release had some problems with local urls (as mentioned in the release notes/changelog). The current developer channel release does not use wkwebview anymore but the old uiwebview which handles local urls correctly.

Best regards


Please can you post a working IOS 8 project with the plugin in it for phonegap?


I only sent you the IOS part of my project (as it was smaller), i can send you the whole thing if you like?

I have only changed small things to play around with it, none of the core elements have been changed.


We really need a working IOS 8 solution, as we are running out of time.

You can try to use the current developer channel release SDK. Simply rename the file 'WikitudeSDK' inside the .framework folder to 'libWikitudeSDK.a' and replace the static library with the one that is already installed in your project. 

We will release a PhoneGap update either today or tomorrow so pleaes be patient, we're working on a update ;)

Best regards



Have you released the updated Phonegap plugin yet?



we're very close to a release. It will be available within the next days. We're currently doing the final testing as we finished the implementation last friday. 

Best regards

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