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Spin an Image and record last angle as a new starting point

Spin an Image and record last angle as a new starting point


I have an imagedrawable, a bottle in this case. I am trying to achieve a spin the bottle effect. When I tap it it will spin based on the parameters in AR.PropertyAnimation.

For Example:

speed = 1800;

this.rotationAnimation = new AR.PropertyAnimation(overlayOne, "rotate.roll", 0, speed, 10000);


It will spin 1800 degrees in 10 seconds. Now after the spin animation, I want to save the last angle on a variable, maybe also on the variable speed. Then it will start spinning again based on the angle where it stopped using the onclick trigger.



You can query the current roate.roll property value anytime after the animation finished (e.g. you called .stop() in the onclick trigger). Additionally supplying null as the start value will start the animation from the current value.
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