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Inquiry: Suggested OS X and Xcode version

Inquiry: Suggested OS X and Xcode version

Hi Andreas,

Thanks! Appreciate your response.


OS X 10.8.5 in combination with Xcode 5.1 should be fine for you to work with.

Best regards


Hi Adreas,

Appreciate your response. 

Apparently we'll be using an OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 and will be installing Xcode 5.1.
Would the specs above would do in our testing for IOS?

Thank you very much.


Hi Jeru,
Since OS X updates applications by default to the latest available version (including Xcode), you're fine by using the latest tools from Apple. 

Those would be: OS X 10.9.2 and Xcode 5.1

So far we haven't experienced any problems with those versions. Although we're using the latest PhoneGap version to test our open source PhoneGap plugin.


Best regards

Hi All,

Need some inputs. 

We'll be building the application we've devoloped in Android to IOS, and we would just like to know what OS X and 
Xcode version best to use for this.

Current version used:

Wikitude SDK 3.2

Cordova 3.0

Looking forward to your response.

Thanks and Regards,
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