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Device is not supported error on macromax canvas HD a116i android Phone

Device is not supported error on macromax canvas HD a116i android Phone



I have download wikitude phonegap sample from github and run this project on macromax canvas hd a116i through the eclipse.the project run properly but when i am going click on any tutorial it gets error "Device is not supported". please help me to sort out this issue. 

quick google search led me to the phone specification and from what i can tell it does not include a magnetic sensor (digital compass). This sensor is required for geo based AR if you only use image recognition you can switch the ar mode to IR, which should pass the "is supported" check for this phone.

in WikitudePlugin.js at line 26 replace "Geo" with "IR"

hi sir

i tried your solution but still i got "device not supported error".


Can you try removing the check altogether and see if there is still a problem? However setting the mode to "IR" should be enough if the device does not support a magnetometer.
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