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isdevicesupported() issue

isdevicesupported() issue

isdevicesupported() don't call onsucess or onerror callback methods !?

another question 

app.wikitudePlugin where is the wikitudePlugin method exisit and if its in the plugin is't right to use it thats way in the app.js !?

3rd question :

how could i know if the plugin work well.!?

I posted a answer which should resolve all your issues in this thread

Please stick to one thread instead of open one for each question. We're faster helping you with your questions when you gather them in one thread. Also for other forums user, it's more clear what your problem is.

Best regards

The above thread is not opening. can you tell me the steps to resolve this issues

Hi Amway,

Since this is a very old thread, could you please give more details regarding your issue? 

  • Which version of the SDK are you using?
  • Are you using the JS API?
  • Are you using any of our Extensions (Titanium, Cordova, Xamarin, Unity)? If yes, which version are you using?
  • please send the crash log
  • What device does this happen with (os Version and model)?
  • is this happening with the sample app or in your own app? If it happens with your own app, does the sample app work on your device?
  • Send exact steps to reproduce this issue and a video so we can check how we can reproduce this issue



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