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error compiling helloworld

error compiling helloworld



everything was fine. I've updated the Android version of the bundle and now I can no longer compile helloworld. This is the error:


06-04 11:22:10.582: W/dalvikvm(8297): Unable to resolve superclass of Lcom/wikitude/phonegap/PhonegapSampleActivity; (53)

06-04 11:22:10.582: W/dalvikvm(8297): Link of class 'Lcom/wikitude/phonegap/PhonegapSampleActivity;' failed

06-04 11:22:10.582: D/AndroidRuntime(8297): Shutting down VM

06-04 11:22:10.582: W/dalvikvm(8297): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40108760)

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): FATAL EXCEPTION: main

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{com.wikitude.phonegapsamplehelloworld/com.wikitude.phonegap.PhonegapSampleActivity}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.wikitude.phonegap.PhonegapSampleActivity in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at$500(

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at$H.handleMessage(

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at android.os.Looper.loop(

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at$

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.wikitude.phonegap.PhonegapSampleActivity in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at dalvik.system.PathClassLoader.findClass(

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): at

06-04 11:22:10.592: E/AndroidRuntime(8297): ... 11 more


you have any ideas?




which version of the Wikitude SDK, PhoneGap are you using? Make sure to use the latest build from Github and the most recent version of the Wikitude SDK (2.0).



i use WikitudeSDK_Android_2.0.0_2013-02-26_17-18-36 and phonegap-2.5.0rc1.


Regarding the version of PhoneGap I have a doubt. In eclipse use PhoneGap 2.5.0rc1. I do not understand the interaction beetwen phonegap and helloworld. In helloworld project are already present the PhoneGap's files, PhoneGap 2.4.0 in particular. Why you ask to me the version of phonegap ?


I wont to use only helloworld project.



please Explain to me!


Hi Vincenzo,

I guess this is just an Eclipse workspace error. Try deleting your "bin"-folder and cleaning the project.
Some guys at stackoverflow also had similar issues.

Hope that helps,

Kind regards,


i try to delete the bin folder but don't work.


any other suggestion ?


Hi again,

This sounds really weird. So you deleted the bin folder, cleaned the project and still get these compile time errors?
Could you please completely re-setup the project from  the scratch?
I really think this is a project-setup issue - so all my hints are just guesses...

Kind regards,
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