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Is there any parameter at Wikitude to know if GeoLocation is stabilized?

Is there any parameter at Wikitude to know if GeoLocation is stabilized?

Hi there,

I am developping an iOS app, and Obviously, I am using Wikitude. It works fairly well. I am able to see all GeoLocations, but the thing is that I have to wait for a while in order to GeoLocations are stabilized and showed in the right place. Meanwhile, POIs are moving around the area. 

So, the question is: Is there any parameter which shows if GeoLocations are stabilized?

I am waiting your response.

Thank you very much





Hi Jesus,

there is no paramter which tells you if the GeoObjects are 'stabilized'. They are directly 'connected' to the device sensors. On which device are you testing your world and did you try it outside?


Best regards


Hi Andreas,

First of all, thank you very much for your answer.

I am trying my world in an iPhone 4S. Any idea to solve this problem? Maybe checking device location (using CLLocation of iOS) every 5 seconds or something like that?

My intention is doing this to show a 'Loading' indicator to the user while POIs are not in their location, so I wish some of you could give me any solution

Best Regards

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