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unable to set renderbuffer storage from drawable

If I adjust the iOS native example to present a view controller on successful target recognition like: 

- (void)baseTracker:(nonnull WTBaseTracker *)baseTracker didRecognizedTarget:(nonnull WTImageTarget *)recognizedTarget
  NSLog(@"recognized target '%@'", [recognizedTarget name]);
  _isTracking = YES;
  [self presentViewController:[UIViewController new] animated:YES completion:^{
    [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

  I get the following error message: "unable to set renderbuffer storage from drawable".

My example is kind of artificial but the same error occurs with a real view controller.

Do you have any hint for me? Thank you very much for any help.

Hi Ole,

Thx for the demo project. I will have a look at it this week and send you some information asap.

Best regards,


Hi Andreas,

I made some tests and unfortunately setting the clientTracker to nil results in a crash for me when trying to create a new tracker. The app crashs too if I don't set the old one to nil. Do you have an idea what I might be doing wrong?

I only have this stack trace:

#0 0x000000010071bf14 in wikitude::sdk_foundation::impl::CameraService::newPlatformCameraFrameAvailable(wikitude::sdk_foundation::impl::FrameInfo) ()

#1 0x00000001005c4ed4 in _ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZZ97-[WTNativeSDKManager cameraPlatformService:didOutputNextCameraFrameWithId:presentationTimestamp:]EUb_E3$_2NS_9allocatorIS2_EEFvRN8wikitude14sdk_foundation4impl13CameraServiceEEEclES9_ ()

#2 0x00000001005c401c in __97-[WTNativeSDKManager cameraPlatformService:didOutputNextCameraFrameWithId:presentationTimestamp:]_block_invoke ()

Hi Ole,

I have some good news for you. You can download a Wikitude iOS Native SDK here. Please note that we didn't do a complete release test for that version. The fixes are included in the major update which we release end of January. The changes I did are isolated to a small part of the SDK but change some important assumptions.

Please give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

I also wanted to thank you for reaching out to us and make us aware of this issue.

Best regards,


Hi Andreas,

my first quick tests looked very good, the app does not crash anymore. I think we will wait for the release and everything will be fine.

Thank you for the updates and the great communication, too!


Hi Ole,

I tried it myself right now with our latest release (1.4.1) and was unable to reproduce the issue. Can you send us a code snippet where you delete the tracker and create a new one?



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