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How send the GPS position at index.html request at ARchitect

How send the GPS position at index.html request at ARchitect

Hi , 

It is possible send the gps position to html page at ARchitect project ? 

At the KML or ARML it is possible any time send a GPS position parameters but at Architect page i not received any parameter 

Can help me ? 









Not sure what you are trying to do. But, if you want to get updated LLA coordinates from the device to Wikitude's  javascript side, you would have to use 

AR.context.onLocationChanged = function(latitude, longitude, altitude, accuracy){
  //now, add custom functionality to build the AR scene based on the location


Each time the user's location changes, this will be triggered. However, in iOS the accuracy is approx. 10 m. This means that the user has to move 10 m in order to trigger a location update event. 


Maybe this will help you.

Best regards,


Thank's Berenice

I try this code option.



You are welcome. As soon as you get the LLA data in javascript, you can forward it to the HTML page using jQuery for example. 

Best regards and success for your project. 

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