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HTML button half working

HTML button half working

Hello there,


I'm working on a custom animation that's launch when pressing a HTML button, but it's not working properly and I can't figure out why.


Here's the Javascript:

var World = {
loaded: false,
rotating: false,

init: function initFn() {

createOverlays: function createOverlaysFn() {

this.tracker = new AR.ClientTracker("target/", {
onLoaded: this.loadingStep

this.model = new AR.Model("models/model.wt3", {
onLoaded: this.loadingStep,
scale: {
x: 0.045,
y: 0.045,
z: 0.045
translate: {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
z: 0.0

this.isModelRendered = true;

this.displayAnimation = this.animateModel();

var trackable = new AR.Trackable2DObject(this.tracker, "*", {
drawables: {

loadingStep: function loadingStepFn() {
if (!World.loaded && World.tracker.isLoaded() && World.modelBuilding.isLoaded()) {
World.loaded = true;
setTimeout(function() {
var e = document.getElementById('loadingMessage');
}, 2000);

animateModel: function animateModelFn() {
var sz;

if(World.isModelRendered) {
sz = new AR.PropertyAnimation(World.model, "scale.z", 0.045, 0.0, 1500, {
World.isModelRendered = false;
} else {
sz = new AR.PropertyAnimation(World.model, "scale.z", 0, 0.045, 1500, {
World.isModelRendered = true;
return sz;




And the HTML:

<button id="cubeButton" onClick="World.displayAnimation.start()">Building</button>


The purpose here is to have:

When button is pressed: 

- if 3D object (which is a cube) is flat then grow

- if cube is "full"/grown then flatten it


The animation actually works in one way = flattening the cube, but doesn't in the other.


Any idea why that is?


Many thanks!


Hi there!

Try using animateModel instead as onClick attribute. I guess the issue is related to the assignment of the displayAnimation.

<button id="cubeButton" onClick="World.animateModel.start()">Building</button>


If that does not solve the issue please add some debug logs and check out WebView debugging on Safari/Chrome.

Best regards,



Thank you for helping out, you were right, it's actually working with this:

<button id="cubeButton" onClick="World.animateModel().start()">Building</button>



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