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Client Recognition 4 Interactivity

Client Recognition 4 Interactivity

Hi There I've some trouble in here...

How Can I add a button to display when focus on POI (not trackable image) ?

Hello Eka,

Could you please have a look at the documentation here and see if this is what you wish to have?


Thanks for answering Eva Trianafillopoulou ... I'm already try it and read taht documentation too... but my code still did'nt run well ... sorry before it.. I;m new with java script language


    createPopButton: function createPopButtonFn(poiData){
        var pageTwoButton = this.createWwwButton("", 0.15, {
          offsetX: 0,
          offsetY: -0.25,
          zOrder: 1

        var geoObject1 = new AR.GeoObject(pageTwoButton, {
          enabled : false,


        var geoObject4 = new AR.GeoObject(geoObject1, {
          //the function executed when the GeoObject enters the field of vision
          onEnterFieldOfVision : function(){
                geoObject1.enabled = true;
          //the function executed when the GeoObject exits the field of vision
          onExitFieldOfVision : function(){
                geoObject1.enabled = false;
          drawables : { cam :
              //the drawables representing the GeoObject in the camera view



    createWwwButton: function createWwwButtonFn(url, size, options) {

        options.onClick = function() {
        return new AR.ImageDrawable(this.imgButton, size, options);

Hello Eka,

First of all may I ask you if in this forum post here you are reffering to the same thing? If so then I will close the other forum and we can continue with this one. From what I understand so far, you want to work with Geo locations and when a POI is detected with your mobile phone add an augmentation there. I would suggest that you start with our documentation and the samples we provide there regarding Geo location services. 

Also, from the documentation link I provided above, did you try our sample code and did not work or did you try to adjust your coded in the sample code?

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