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error CS0426: The type name 'ArchitectConfig' does not exist in the type 'A

error CS0426: The type name 'ArchitectConfig' does not exist in the type 'A

I have imported wikitude recently to my xamarin and visual studio 2015 platform,but when I try to run sample project for xamarin android, it always give me a error message show as below

1>------ Build started: Project: Wikitude.Android, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------

1>C:PrivateAppDev\wikitude-xamarin-master\source\binding\Android\obj\Debug\generated\src\Wikitude.Architect.ArchitectView.cs(1448,24,1448,55): warning CS0618: 'Camera' is obsolete: 'This class is obsoleted in this android platform'

1>C:\PrivateAppDev\wikitude-xamarin-master\source\binding\Android\obj\Debug\generated\src\Wikitude.Architect.ArchitectView.cs(1453,47,1453,78): warning CS0618: 'Camera' is obsolete: 'This class is obsoleted in this android platform'

1>  Wikitude.Android -> C:\PrivateAppDev\wikitude-xamarin-master\source\binding\Android\Wikitude.SDK.dll

2>------ Build started: Project: WikitudeSampleAndroid, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------

2>C:\PrivateAppDev\wikitude-xamarin-master\source\samples\Android\WikitudeSampleAndroid\BasicArchitectActivity.cs(49,35,49,50): error CS0426: The type name 'ArchitectConfig' does not exist in the type 'ArchitectView'

========== Build: 1 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


And Actually I could see there is a ArchitectConfig definition in ArchitectView, I guess I might need to import trial license in my project but I could not find any document told me exactly hwo to do it. Below is the document I found from your website but I could not find that code in sample.



To use the Wikitude Android SDK with a certain license key, create a StartupConfiguration with your license key and pass this config object to the ArchitectView.OnCreate method. The Wikitude Xamarin Example application demonstrates the license handling in the file MainActivity.cs line 49 - 51.


Hi Liang,
Here is a link to our Xamarin documentation. That should help you with the license.

The build error you see has nothing to do with the license itself. It might be that you refer to a old Xamarin example application. Where did you download the example project? Our official Xamarin examle is included in our Xamarin Component. The component is available through the Xamarin Component Store or our website.

Best regards,

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