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Bottle Recognition with client recognition

Bottle Recognition with client recognition

Hello I am trying to do bottle recognition with Wikitude, but I have problems with that task. I am making Targets  (even tried with whole image of the bottle)  and I have 2 stars on it. Well when I start my app, that I make with Ionic, it recognizes the image on my desktop, but when I try to recognize a real bottle it does not recognizes it. Any suggetions how can I make to recognize my bottle?

The following are the target images and the wtc file also attached. when i recognize them on my desktop it works fine but in real time its not working.



As mentioned pls try not use the bottle as a whole + the surrounding as target image but only the label - from what I see on the bottle this label might not be the best though in regards to tracking an recognition quality.

You can also refer to our Cloud Recognition sample where we use winelables.

As the bottle is transparent it will be also hard recognizing it with the 3D tracking beta, as the feature points will change from surrounding to surrounding.


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