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Problems opening URL on internal browser, not in external.

Problems opening URL on internal browser, not in external.


I'm facing a problem with an app based on iOS9 and Xamarin using the Wikitude extesion. 

The problem is that I've done a package with Wikitude Studio and exported and running inside the app. Everything's fine unless that when I try to open URL with http in the Wikitude internal browser, it doesn't work. When it's https, it works. I'm sure it's a security transport protocol of iOS9.

Is there any solution? Can I force to open the URL on the external browser (Safari) from Wikitude Studio?

Any feedback will be welcome.





Hi Javier,

Having the https prefix is a security issue that is associated with iOS 9 so unfortunately there is nothing you can do. You need to have this prefix otherwise it will not work with http.

Thank you

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