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Hi Can you help me?

Hi Can you help me?

please see the file and help me to find my error.

when i upload the file and check it out in mobile encounter this text: Attention no place available!

i entered coordinate in (long,lat,elevation) format and i'm  so close there.


You ar:provider is not referenced correctl:

 <ar:provider id="nntfortest">
            <ar:description>just for test</ar:description>
            <wikitude:providerUrl> </wikitude:providerUrl>
            <wikitude:logo> </wikitude:logo>
        <Placemark id="123">


    <ar:provider>nnt</ar:provider> -> here you need to put the Provider id - nntfortest

thank you dear Nicola for good cooperation and help

and thank to Wikitude for online support
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