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Wikitude SDK for Vuzix on Android Studio ?

Wikitude SDK for Vuzix on Android Studio ?

1 person has this problem


I start with Wikitude. Thanks to Phil blog post SDK 5 is available for Android Studio.

I am trying to setup Vuzix M100 SDK, which version is 4.0.3. Do I have to setup Eclipse or can I use Android Studio ? Does Vuzix SDK 5 will be available for Android Studio and when ?

Regards, Pierre

Hi Pierre,
You need to download the Wikitude SDK 4.0.3 for Vuzix. I'm not sure if you can create a Vuzix app using Android Studio, but If you can do so, the Wikitude SDK for Vuzix can be added as a additional library with no problems. The choice of Android Studio or Eclipse depends on Vuzix.

Currently I can't give you any informaiton about an updates Wikitude SDK version 5 for Vuzix.

Best regards

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