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Getting wikitude to recognise images

Getting wikitude to recognise images


I have my wtc file generated and 3 test images which should fire 3 videos. The imagerecognition.js file is set like this

createOverlays: function createOverlaysFn() {
            First an AR.Tracker needs to be created in order to start the recognition engine. It is initialized with a URL specific to the target collection. Optional parameters are passed as object in the last argument. In this case a callback function for the onLoaded trigger is set. Once the tracker is fully loaded the function worldLoaded() is called.

            Important: If you replace the tracker file with your own, make sure to change the target name accordingly.
            Use a specific target name to respond only to a certain target or use a wildcard to respond to any or a certain group of targets.
        this.tracker = new AR.ClientTracker("assets/", {
            onLoaded: this.worldLoaded

            The next step is to create the augmentation. In this example an image resource is created and passed to the AR.ImageDrawable. A drawable is a visual component that can be connected to an IR target (AR.Trackable2DObject) or a geolocated object (AR.GeoObject). The AR.ImageDrawable is initialized by the image and its size. Optional parameters allow for position it relative to the recognized target.

        /* Create overlay for page one */
        var imgOne = new AR.ImageResource("assets/FG7809.png");
        var overlayOne = new AR.ImageDrawable(imgOne, 1, {
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0

        var video = new AR.VideoDrawable("assets/wax2012.mp4", .5, {
    offsetX: 0,
    offsetY: 0,
    onLoaded: function videoLoaded() {
    video.enabled = true;
    onPlaybackStarted: function videoPlaying () {
    video.playing = true;
        video.enabled = true;
    onFinishedPlaying: function videoFinished () {
        video.playing = false;
        video.enabled = false;
    onClick: function videoClicked () {
        if (video.playing) {
            video.playing = false;
        } else {
            video.playing = true;

var pageOne = new AR.Trackable2DObject(this.tracker, "imgOne", {
            drawables: {
            onEnterFieldOfVision: function onEnterFieldOfVisionFn () {
        if (video.playing) {
    onExitFieldOfVision: function onExitFieldOfVisionFn () {
        if (video.playing) {

If I change the imgOne in the pageOne definition to * and add in display.alert("hello"); the alert shows. However, no video.

I have twenty or thirty trigger images with the same number of videos to display, so I really need to make sure that I have the imagerecognition.js file set up correctly.

Am I doing this correctly and what should the parameter inside of the quotes on pageOne = (this,tracker, "...") be? I have a project where it is imgOne and another where it is pageOne.



Hi there!

Please try remote WebView debugging to figure out potential JS errors and apply your changes step-by-step from the provided sample applications.

best regards


The web console is showing no errors at all which is really annoying! If I put the trigger on pageOne to "*", the it looks to be working, so the only thing I can summise is that what I have for * is incorrect in my other pages.

My full source can be seen here

Any comments would be appreciated


Hi Paul!

In case you just have 3 targetImages / videos you may also just create the trackables in a loop using same approach as in the sample application's "multiple targets".

Using "*" as targetName is fine if you use the very same augmentations but needs some extra work (smart caching and add/removeCamdrawables) in terms of asset management, which is something to consider for more than 5 videos.

Best regards,
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