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Publishing ARchitect world

Publishing ARchitect world


I'm trying to publish a World based on some ARchitect files (taken from the SDK samples) which are hosted here:

I used the Publish Tool ( to create a project, selected the right GeoRange, put the status to 'Published' but I'm not seeing the world in the Wikitude app. I also published a world based on ARML which I am able to see in the app.

When I login as a developer in the app, and enter the URL above in the 'Test World' field, it works. It just doesn't show up in the main search.

Another thing that I tried is the ARLink, but this gives me an almost blank page when using and a 'code not valid'-page when using the new link   This makes sense though, as the new search codes are different from developer keys. However, I fail to see how I can connect a remotely hosted ARchitect project to a Wikitude Studio project.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?


Hi Gerwin,

Thanks to trying out our Wikitude App!

Could you tell me which bounding box have you defined and from which position are you trying out ?

Regarding ARLink, it has been integrated in Wikitude Studio in order to export your Studio Project directly in our Wikitude App. In the same thread you mentioned, you can find more details.

Best regards,




Hi Simone,

Thanks for your quick reaction.

Originally, I had defined some smaller rectangles (10 by 10 km) scattered through the Netherlands. Right now, I have drawn a large box around The Netherlands and I'm situation somewhere in the middle, near Ermelo (Lat: 52.3, Lon: 5.6). Still no luck... are there any size restrictions to the boxes?

As for Wikitude Studio, I'd already given it a try, but I'm looking for location-based AR, not image-based. If I create a new project, it always asks me for a target image which I don't have.

Best regards,


Hi Gerwin,

After an intensive investigation we found out the problem. It is connected to the architect min version set in the Publish tool. We will roll-out a fix soon.

In the meantime, as workaround it would be enough to set to "1.0" the architect version in your Publish panel. I already did it for your "Apropos" world which now should appear correctly in the Wikitude App.

Regarding Wikitude Studio: you are right.. it is possible to create image recognition based experience via Studio. 

Have fun with our products!



Hi Simone,

also my ARLink is not working from mobile any browser and also my published ARchitect World is not working in the Andrtoid Wikitude App.


It will redirect me always to a page saying that Wikitude is not installed.


The AR link is:


How i can solve this problem?


Koind regards,


Hi Pasquale,

I'm sorry to let you know that ARLink has been integrated in Wikitude Studio (for paying customers) in order to export your Studio Project directly in our Wikitude App. For Geo-World ARLink is not anymore supported.

I apologize if you found-out any ARLink related information: we will work to remove any outdated web page. In that regards, if you have found any broken link then please list them here.

Have a nice day,

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