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IOS app crashes when starting AR

IOS app crashes when starting AR

Hello Andreas, 

I tried this code on Xamarin, but it doesnt work:

Only work the first time, and the Controller is a Weak Reference like you say

This code works good with xamarin plugin 4.2.1, but fails on 5.0.0, dont know why ...


UIStoryboard story = UIStoryboard.FromName ("MainStoryboard", null);
                var view = story.InstantiateViewController ("ViewController") as WikitudeViewController;
                var weakThis = new WeakReference<WikitudeViewController> (view);
                weakThis.TryGetTarget (out view);
                var nav = new UINavigationController (view);
                UIApplication.SharedApplication.Windows .RootViewController = nav;
                UIApplication.SharedApplication.Windows .MakeKeyAndVisible ();

One more thing ... on xamarin there is no way for do         


you can only do:

 architectView.Start or architectView.Stop





In Xamarin i have tryed everything with WeakReferences but without success.

Finaly i set architectView.RemoveFromSuperview(); in the ViewWillDisappear (bool animated) and the Error:

Check failed: !IsGoogleLoggingInitialized() You called InitGoogleLogging() twice! is gone because all references are probably unset.
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