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CDVPlugin class WTWikitudePlugin (pluginName: WikitudePlugin) does not exis

CDVPlugin class WTWikitudePlugin (pluginName: WikitudePlugin) does not exis

I tried to update cordova & wikitude plugin to v4.1.0-3.0.1, but I've got an error message from Xcode while running:

CDVPlugin class WTWikitudePlugin (pluginName: WikitudePlugin) does not exist.
ERROR: Plugin 'WikitudePlugin' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin. Check your plugin mapping in config.xml.


update commands like below:

sudo npm update -g cordova

sudo cordova platform update ios

cordova plugin rm com.wikitude.phonegap.WikitudePlugin

cordova plugin add

config.xml includes these lines...

<feature name="WikitudePlugin">
<param name="ios-package" value="WTWikitudePlugin" />


Please help me and give me any hint...

Hi Dai,

this seems to be a Cordova problem. Please check out this StackOverflow question it describes the same problem and has some accepted answers.

Thank you and best regards,


Thank you for your information Simon.

but these answers don't work for me...

so I removed the project directory and rebuild project. after that,  the error did not appear more.

but once I update wikitude plugin, it appears again.

I have decided to give up anymore about this cordova bug and I'll wait for a bug fix.

Thank you.
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