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Location of assets

Location of assets

Hello all,

I'm coding an universal app for iOS and Android with Titanium. Now I'm wondering why the example app from github duplicates the assets. Is this a must?

I just want to have one folder for both systems. Is it possible?

I tried to put the main example folder to Resources root, but only can access from iOS. Not from Android.

Any advise, what I can do to have access to the same tracker file on each system?

Well, that is inconvinient (exported Wikitude resources have to be located in Resources/iphone for iOS and in Resources/android/assets for Android).

I'd success with symbolic links (linking from android resource dir to iphone resource dir).

cd Resources/android/assets
ln -s ../../iphone/augmentation augmentation
ln -s ../../iphone/js js
ln -s ../../iphone/wtc wtc
ln -s ../../iphone/index.html index.html

and so on...
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