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Help! Cordova 5.1.1 Android build errors with Wikitude plugin

Help! Cordova 5.1.1 Android build errors with Wikitude plugin

When you read carefully through your shell output, It clearly states the problem: "Command failed with exit code 1. You may not have the required environment or OS to build this project."

So whats your setup? Which OS do you have on your computer? have you installed the Android SDK? Which Android SDK do you have installed?

Are you able to build any other Android project on your computer?

Best regards


Hi Andreas, y wrote '$ cordova build' in my Terminal and the results is that error. The error is for Android.



The error message can't be the same for iOS and Android. Please be specific because details matter!

Maybe you're missing `cordova platform update android@5.0.0` or `cordova platform add android@5.0.0` on Android.

Best regards


Hi Andreas thank's for your answer...  I try to build in Android and iOS, the results is the same error... and I try to build my own aplication, follow this steps and chose the option "Set up for existing app".


Hi Yahair,
Do you try to build for iOS or Android. In your text you write iOS, but the console output is Android.
Do you try to build the example application or your own application?

Best regards


Hi Simon... I have the same problem in iOS when I try to build the app. I try some solutions of this post... and nothing.

This is my screen, I hope you can help me.

Version of Cordova: 5.4.1

Version android: 4.1.1

Version iOS: 3.9.2


Thank's, regards.

Solution found.

If someone has the same problem with me, getting "shell.js: internal error", then try to download the wikitude-cordova-plugin zip file, unzip it on local, and then cordova plugin add "to local path". It will be fine. 

If still getting problems, then may uninstall the cordova with npm -g, and then install cordova again.


Hello Simon,

thanx for the quick response.

I thought I had the latest version, but with reinstalling plugin version 4.1.0-3.1.0 I now have no build errors anymore. (The included CHANGELOG still states "4.1.0-3.0.0"?!)

The .cmd-File for the Samples-App-Setup tries to execute a .sh-command which does not work on windows.




@Jan: Your problem is very strange, I'll will need to talk to our iOS dev team, and come back to you later.

@Rolf: You are using the latest Cordova version but not our latest plugin version. Please upgrade to our latest plugin version (master on github: or downgrade to Cordova 4.x.

@Fredrick: If you download the sample app from there is a .cmd file contained which will do the automatic setup on Windows. Please consult the (also contained) for the exact command you need to use.

Thank you and best regards,


hi Simon,

I am using windows, how do I build the sample app?

Besides, whatever how I try to build the android app, the same errors still occured.


I'm having the similar build errors:

error: cannot find symbol


Tried several setups on two machines without success:

- Windows 7 and Windows 8.1

- Java: 1.7u79,  1.8u45 and 1.8u51

- cordova: 5.1.1

- com.wikitude.phonegap.WikitudePlugin 4.1.0

- cordova Installed platforms: android 4.0.2

- android:targetSdkVersion: 19 and 22

Other projects without the Wikitude-Plugin compile without errors.

I could not deploy the example app because the sh-script is not executed on windows.

What can I try to change?





Hi Simon,

An iPhone 5s / iOS 8.3

I discovered the app does work when launched from the CLI or from the phone. But crashes each time in Xcode (6.4) when you load an ARchitect World. I've tries it with many test apps, keep having the same problem.

using Cordova 5.0.0

Jan Robert

Hi Jan,

what iOS device and iOS version are you using?

Thank you and best regards,

Hi Simon,

I'm afraid I also can't get the sample app to work on iOS. The installed platforms for the sample app are iOS 3.8.0.

Cordova version: 5.1.1

Xcode 6.4

I ran through your posted steps and used the shell script: $ ./ -d ~/Path/Where/The/App/Should/Be/Created -ios true -android true

No succes. The app starts up fine, but the buttons don't work.


Jan Robert

Hi John,

I'm glad it's working for you now. If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Thank you and best regards,
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