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GeoObject onClick not very accurate

GeoObject onClick not very accurate


I add an onClick function on a GeoObject, it works but I have to tap around 1cm under the image to make it work, if I tap directly on the image, it don't work.

Do you know why it make that and how can I change that?



That's not a expected behaviour. Which device running which OS and version are you using? Please also tell me the SDK version you're using.

Have you tried adding the onClick on a Drawable subclass instead of an ARObject?

Best regards



yes, I tried the onClick on the GeoObject and on the ImageDrawable, same behaviour.

I'm using an iPhone 5S on iOS 8.1.3 and SDK 4.0.2


Then I guess it's expected behaviour. Can you record and post a video of the described behaviour, then I could tell you exactly if it's expected or not.

Best regards

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