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VideoDrawable(27): Unknown object

VideoDrawable(27): Unknown object


I'm implementing a dynamicly loaded AR experience - when a target is detected, a JSON file contained in a remote directory matching the target's id is loaded...and from this I instantiate a JS class that adds necessary drawables for that target to the interface. As part of this I am manually destroying each created drawable onExitFieldOfVision to tidy up memory usage and unload each dynamic experience when the associated target leaves the field of vision (e.g. "video.destroy()")

The problem I'm having with my current Android install is that when I destroy a VideoDrawable onExitFieldOfVision my logcat continuously spams the following, 30 times a second:

VideoDrawable(x): Unknown object

...where "x" appears to be a numeric id for the drawable instance.

If I then reaquire a lock on a target, the drawables are reloaded and all is ok...but when I look away I then get ANOTHER set of spammed errors continuously hitting the logcat with no end. Each time I look at and away, another 30 error messages per second are spammed into the logcat. This must be badly affecting performance.

I've also tried AR.context.destroyAll() and I get the same problem with VideoDrawable.

Any idea why this might be happening? My videos are all remote streams and they play fine...just on destroy() this error spams constantly until closing the app.




Hi, which version of the SDK are you using?

This looks like an old issue, which was fixed in SDK 4.0.3.

If you are using the latest version, and still have problems, can you please post some sample code so that we can reproduce your issue on our systems?


Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes, I'm using 4.0.3 (downloaded last week).

Please find attached some sample files that demonstrate the issue.




I'm sorry for the wrong information. This is indeed a known issue, which was solved after the 4.0.3 release. The fix will be included in the upcoming version 4.1.
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