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Information about 3D pose

Information about 3D pose

Hi all,

I'm developping an Android application and I'm trying to get information about the pose of the recognized image target in form of a pose matrix including the orientation and the distance. Is there a way to access this information on wikitude?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

I've just found another thread discussing the same issue:

There it's mentioned that the wikitude SDK doesn't provide such functionality, because requesting the matrix via js isn't feasible. However the distance and the orientation has to be computed anyhow to track the target. Would it be possible to get this information in another way?


Concerning the distance to target, unfortunately with the current version of the SDK it is not possible to accesss this data. As this is actually a feature that lately has been asked for more and more and we are currently working on including it in the upcoming major release of the SDK. Stay tuned ;-)

Hope that helps,


Thank you for your quick answer. Do you plan to come out soon (before december) with your next release?

Hi Oscar,

the next release will very likely be after Christmas in (very) early 2015.

Kind regards


Hi all,

As I've seen you came out with your next release. Does this updated SDK provide any functionality to access the pose matrix?

Kind regards


Hi Oscar,

sorry for the confusion in my previous post: The next SDK version 4.1 is due for a few weeks, where the next major version - likely being 5.0 - is still out a few months. Looking at the progress of 4.1, the access to the pose will not be in 4.1.

Sorry for the confusion.

Kind regards

Hi Wikitude team,


Is it now possible (SDK 5.0.0, native or JS, or Unity plugin) to get the camera pose? Position, rotation and distance of the camera relative to the target. 


Thanks in advance for some info.




With Wikitude SDK 5.0 we introduced the Plugins API, which allows you to access the information about the current pose of the recognized target. Please refer to our documentation on our homepage for further details.

Hope that helps,



Thanks Markus,


I found the updated docs after clearing the browser cache. 


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